Datalogging 1996-2010 Vehicles

Datalogging 1996-2010 Vehicles

Instructions for Sending Data to LaSota Racing

You'll need a laptop with Windows 7-10 installed.

Load the tune into your flash device, then into the vehicle.  SCT's tech support website has excellent info on how to do this. Then start logging.  Again, consult with SCT's website for the basics of getting connected to your flash device and using LiveLink logging software.  Use Gen 2 LiveLink it is available here.

Note: For 2011+ Vehicles contact us for datalogging info.

Note: Please run an update on Gen 2 LiveLink to be sure you have the latest version. Please use the UPPER CASE PIDs as specified below for 1996-2010 vehicles (you may not have all of them):


Gen II

Before you start, be 100% sure the vehicle is mechanically sound. No vacuum leaks, if it's a power adder no intake pipe leaks. Make sure it either has a functioning PCV system without valve cover breathers or the PCV is not connected to vacuum  with breathers. Be sure the fuel system is adequate for what you want to do, ask if not sure. Be sure the MAF is adequate. Ask if you are not sure. Have a good cooling system, new spark plugs and a good FACTORY ignition system (aftermarket may work OK, maybe not). For blower/turbo/nitrous gap the plugs at 0.028-0.030.  If your car is not 100% and we begin to tune it and you correct the issues, then there may be additional tuning charges if we have to start from scratch again. The #1 rule for tuning a vehicle is you cannot tune around mechanical issues.


Start the vehicle when you are ready to go, let it get to temperature, then start logging. Do JUST an idle log for 2 minutes or so. Stop logging. Save the file as <your initials>idle.

2-Free Rev

 Then start the vehicle again, wait 2 minutes, start logging again and do free revs holding at 1500 RPMs, for 20-30 seconds, then go to 2000, then 2500, then 3000. Don't worry if it won't stay at that exact RPM, just do where it will stay steady. Stop the log. Then save it as <your initials>freerev.  Email us those files. When I get them I will get you another tune, we may have to do this a few times to get it right.

3-Loaded Revs

Once it is right, next will come loaded revs - a dyno is the best place for this, but many people do this on the street with a helper - We do not advise this for safety reasons, but it is your choice. Get the vehicle to temp, let it run 2 minutes, then start the log. Get it in 2nd or 3rd gear, and S-L-O-W-L-Y give it gas until it is barely accelerating, HOLD THE THROTTLE there without adding more throttle. Hold it until you hit 3000 rpms. Save the log as <your initials> loadedrevs. Email us the file, if it looks OK, I will give the OK to go to WOT.


Finally, do a WOT run. This also should be done on the dyno for safety, but people to this on the track or street, which we do not advise, but it is up to you. Start the vehicle, allow it to warm, and wait 2 minutes before logging. Be sure the wideband is running. For WOT, go to the highest gear (non-OD) and  go to WOT. If you decide you can do this on the street, you may want to use a lower gear (2nd) to keep safer. STOP immediately if after allowing time for a short transition time the wideband tells you it is too lean (>12.0 on blower/turbo, >13 on an NA). STOP if it pings or detonates or you see black/grey smoke at higher RPMs (silent detonation). Let us know if this happens. If it's a clean run, save the LiveLink file at <your intials>WOT. We will also need wideband data for the WOT run. It may take a few runs to dial it in. Please try to keep the file concise without a lot of extraneous data such as driving around on the logs. Also, on subsequent files you send, add a number to them so we can keep track of them (<filename>2 etc.)

In any email response to us, please sign it with your full name, as we deal with a large number of different people and we would not want to send the wrong file by mistake. Email logs to:

Thanks! Please be careful.