Submit your Vehicle Info

Please submit your vehicle information. We need to know specific details about your vehicle to create a custom tune. All items may not apply to your vehicle. Your vehicle may have additional things to note, not on the form. Use the last field to enter that info. Note: things like coils, suspension, plug wires, etc. do not have an effect on the tune. Please tell us if the block and rotating assembly are stock or not. 

Personal Information

Tell us about your Ford

If purchasing a tune, this is REQUIRED

Starting in 1994 on Mustangs the PCM code is a four character code, such as MDE2. The code can be found on some vehicles on a white paper tag, on the passenger's side, when you open the door. It will be on the hinge side of the door on most vehicles. If the tag is not there, locate the processor and look on the processor's plastic connector. Late model trucks and '05 and up Mustangs have a tag near the processor under the hood. All earlier model Mustangs have the processor in the passenger's side kick panel. The strategy code can be used instead - it is read via an handheld under the"Vehicle Information" menu.


Put 'stock' for stock

If it is a returnless converted to return style, then note if FRP is on removed.


Some 1996-2010


2005 and up only